
Eatwith – An alternative for travelers

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Many people think that the best way to discover a city is through its food. All these people have now a way to travel and get close to a city’s gastronomy.
Eatwith is a community which provides travelers a local host to share together their passion for cooking and entertainment, creating a new dining experience.

This platform started because of a dinner invitation to Guy Michlin, co-founder of Eatwith, by a local Greek family. Guy Michlin, was once on vacation in Greece and found out that the best experience of his trip was to have dinner at a local’s home, and when he returned home he decided to start a business that let anyone have the same good experience as he had. Now it’s got over 5.000 cooks willing to become cook hosts in their respective cities.
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The prices may vary depending on the food you eat and the cook, but they start at about 15€, so they are very similar to restaurants, but in a closer environment and with the guarantee that you’re having fresh high quality food.
Isn’t it funny to discuss with your travel partners about other country’s food? Eatwith is the best way for travelers to discover a country’s food. Cook hosts only prepare home-cooked meals so their guests enjoy a delightful meal abroad.
Have you ever thought about going to a restaurant and asking the chef to teach you preparing the meal you have just eaten? Probably you would do but doesn’t have the opportunity in a restaurant.  You can do it if you go to someone’s house. You can change your dinner into personal cooking classes! People who participate in this kind of activities are always very open-minded and easy to go with, so you won’t have any problem interacting with them.
People like Eatwith not just because of the great food, but because this way of having dinner gives them the chance to meet new people and have a good time with them. Furthermore, talking to people from the country where you are traveling to can be useful if you want to know anything about the city, get some indications or new plans and things to do there, from a point of view kind of different than tourist guides, and in a funny way.
Enjoy it and tell us about your experience!
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